
“I’m here for you!” It’s the comforting and strengthening reminder of the indwelling Holy Spirit!

I don’t care, if I’m in the midst of a seemingly overwhelming challenge or an everyday happening, the words of Romans 8:31 have blessed my heart again and again. Whether in self-inflicted challenges or in trials outside my control, these words of Truth, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?”, have been my assurance.

In fact, I’ve simplified it with a numeral and a letter, 4U. This abbreviation has become music to my ears. It reminds me of my greatest support. When I encounter my personal weaknesses, I hear, “Michael, I’m here 4U.” As I face the daunting negative or positive encounters of leadership, my mind and heart recall, “Michael, I’m here 4U.” Even in the mundane routines of leadership, when the ‘Woe is me!’ self-pity creeps in, the Spirit reminds me, “Michael, I’m here 4U.”

As friends, our best intentions are to always be there for each other, but we both know it’s impossible. However, I’ve got a suggestion for you. Why not find a way to put that numeral and letter in the front of your thoughts everyday… on your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your desk, on your pulpit/conference table? Why? Because a Friend, who sticks closer than a brother, is there for us every moment of every day!


