An Epiphany

“And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.” Matthew 2:12

There are many questions about the magi that God has not seen fit to tell us… their exact number, their specific homelands, their arrival time, etc. But one thing is clear, they obediently and sacrificially gave themselves to God’s leading… it was an epiphany to them. An obedience that outweighed any devotion to any other king. A divine manifestation of Christ to them, to all Gentiles, as the King of kings. 

To me it so very evident not only in their declarations of worship and bestowing of gifts, but also in their heeding God’s dream inspired warning not to return to Herod. Much the same as we see in Peter’s and the apostle’s declaration, “… We must obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29

In light of the current societal pressures to keep our commitment to Christ and His Word to ourselves, I pray that we might have a fresh maji-inspired epiphany of allegiance to Christ, the King of kings! A loyalty we will publicly and unashamedly proclaim in obedience to Christ the King and His Word.

Praying for you, as the manifestation of Christ’s rule is witnessed in your life and ministry.


My Best Good!


Undimmed Eyes