“And they said to Him, ‘We have here ONLY five loaves and two fish.’ And He said, ‘Bring them to Me.’ … and they all ate and were satisfied. They picked up what was left over… twelve baskets full.” Matthew 14:17,18, 20

In ministry you’ve probably have felt like I have; who I am or what I have isn’t enough to meet the need. Challenges are like that. They usually cause us to focus on who I’m not or what I don’t have.

I’m inadequate… our facility is inadequate… our finances are inadequate… our team is inadequate… our preparation is inadequate… our, our, our… ! That’s what I hear when I listen to the disciples. I hear my own voice emphasizing the word ONLY. In fact, many times in life and ministry my inner thoughts have been ‘This is not enough. I can’t do it. It can’t be done.’

Truth says, “Bring it to Jesus!” Bring everything. Bring the things you think you can handle and the things that you think are impossible to handle. Bring them in response to His invitation. In faith always focus ONLY on Him. He is more than adequate!


