“And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.” 1 Timothy 3:7
"Be more concerned with character than reputation. Character is what you are, reputation is what people think you are." John Wooden
According to a July 2022 report from Lifeway Research, currently, only 31% of Americans say they have quite a lot or a great deal of confidence in the church or organized religion, with only 14% expressing a great deal of confidence. It’s at an all-time low. Satan’s snares have entrapped many ministry leaders in flesh-driven behaviors and heresies. The church’s reputation has taken a beating. Outsiders have little to no trust in pastors or organized religion. Regrettably, many of our own insiders, the Gen-Zs and Millennials in our fellowships, have joined the outsiders. They’re missing in our pews and sadly, estranged from God.
More than ever, the church needs fewer ‘characters’ and more men of character. It’s the pathway to impacting outsiders and insiders with the Gospel. As a ministry leader’s character is shaped by the Word and Spirit of God, his reputation will reflect Christ. Men, who love and seek God, as well as the souls of all mankind; who engage the lost with the Gospel and the downcast with human kindness; who proclaim the Law with tears and the Gospel with joy; who boldly hold to the Truth in a spirit of humility; who embrace their local community with care and other believers as brethren in Christ; who daily sense their need of God’s forgiveness and daily cherish His mercy. Men, who cry out, “Spirit of the living God fall fresh on me, melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.”
Praying for you!