Greatest Gift

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Cor.‬ ‭9‬:‭15‬

Tis the season of gift giving! God’s is the best ever. So much so, it is indescribable!

A little guy in Nunda, SD wanted to give Christmas gifts to his mom and dad. The town’s mercantile owner knew the little guy didn’t have much money. Patiently and successfully he helped him. There was even enough left over for some bazooka bubble gum. Then the big night came… his mom was delighted to unwrap a small 5 inch long ceramic cheetah and his dad acted as if a round tin of Copenhagen was a bar of gold. His dad didn’t even chew. How do I know? I was that little guy. What my folks cherished most was my love.

In light of God’s indescribable Gift, once again I feel like that little guy. I want to give a gift to my Heavenly Father. As a ministry leader, you probably feel the same… wishing to give Him more. Truth be told, He loves even our most feeble efforts. Because, like my parents, all He wants is my/our love. By the way, my mom cherished and displayed that cheetah in her dining room hutch, until the day she passed into Glory. It now graces a cubby hole in the roll-top desk my father made for me! Praying for you!




Thankful for You