“Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil,” Ephesians 6:11.

This past weekend, to the best of my memory, our pastor gave the best back-to-back messages I’ve heard. Like a bat in the Holy Spirit’s hand, he knocked two ‘Gospel-balls’ right out of the park. PTL! By faith, every listener had the opportunity to receive an Eternal Homerun.

Do you know what? This is probably one of the most dangerous times for him. Though Calvary and Resurrection Day tell us that Satan is defeated, he’s still lurking in the shadows.

When a ministry leader has accomplished a great task or has gone through an especially wearing time, Satan pounces. He knows when we are vulnerable. He lurks in the shadows of pride and weariness. When we rest on our laurels or rely on our own strength, he lunges to the attack. 

What’s a leader to do?… allow the Light of God’s Word to expose him and at the same time protect you.

In the midst of great success, Paul reminds us, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) He gets all the credit and you receive all the joy. This ray of Truth dispels the shadows of pride and weariness. Satan must flee.


Reflect On Heaven


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