Missing Words

A few days ago, a layman from western South Dakota said to me, “Pastor B, I think I know what is missing in so many evangelical settings. It’s the ‘Thus says the Lord!’, that is missing.


He and his wife have lovingly reached out to friends and neighbors by conducting two weekly Bible studies. Currently, they are studying Ezekiel. As they share their concerns, they see what all of us have witnessed. America, and the entire world for that matter, has given the stamp of acceptance to every form of evil. From abortion to sexual perversion to unbridled materialism to every form of self-willed living, adults and children alike are being misled and have become morally corrupt.


As these small groups study Ezekiel, they’ve asked, “Who are the watchmen and what is their trumpet?” Ezekiel 33:7 has enlightened them, as it should us, “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel (God’s people); so hear the word I speak and give them warning from Me.” God’s shepherds/spiritual leaders are to be His watchmen and His Word of Truth their trumpet.


The accountability and impact are equally sobering and rewarding. No warning trumpet sounded… the blood of the lost will be required form the watchman’s hand (vs. 8). Thankfully, however, when the warning is sounded and a sinner turns from his sin, he will surely live (vs.14-16)!


Since the Fall of Adam and Eve, the sword of sin has been coming upon all mankind. Yet, at this present time, we see it coming like a flood. As the Holy Spirit blows upon us, every spiritual leader is called to passionately, clearly, and faithfully trumpet the Gospel message of sin and grace to a sin-sick, dying world both within and outside the walls of our churches.


Praying for you, as you trumpet, “Thus says the Lord!”   



