I heard someone say, “Waiting is difficult, but rushing ahead can be deadly!”

From the earliest days of our childhood, most of us have struggled with patience. Do you remember saying… “Are we there yet?” “When do we eat?” “How long till my birthday?” “Why can’t I open my presents now?” 

And the struggle continues into adulthood! “Hurry up. We’re going to be late!” “That line is too long!” “Is this the slowest WIFI or what?” “Will this nightmare ever end?” “Does God even hear me?” “

Impatience is part of the DNA we inherited from Adam! In fact, most of us have perfected it. Yes, even after the new birth in Christ, impatience clings to our old nature. Waiting tends to bring it right to the surface. We just don’t like waiting… even waiting on God!

Impatience causes us to push open another dark door. In those anxious moments that seem like a lifetime, we take matters into our own hands. And so begins the downward spiral of the ‘I know best’ life/ministry-style. Once set in motion, pride causes us to take one stumbling step after another! And self-will’s traveling companion, ‘my way or the highway’, blindly causes us to fall into a deadly pattern of life.

It’s bad enough, when it only impacts one person. But it is tragic, when a leader’s impatience leads to rushing ahead of God’s will. What shall we do? How about waiting? Ask. Ask in faith. The Holy Spirit within you will bear forth the fruit of patience!

“Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.” Psalm 25:5


