Hearing God

“Go near and hear all that the Lord our God says; then speak to us all that the Lord our God speaks to you, and we will hear and do it” Deuteronomy‬ ‭5‬:‭27‬

I’m so grateful for my father’s investment in my life and ministry. Even before the Holy Spirit had brought me to a place of surrender, I had witnessed my dad’s devotional life. Before leaving for school, as I walked by the parsonage’s office door, I would see him kneeling at his office chair, with his hands folded over his open Bible. Later, as a new believer, I began to realize God was drawing my dad to Himself. It was more than a good habit. It was a Divine encounter.

Over the years of my ministry, my father continued to speak this truth into my life. On a regular basis, he would share with me what God was speaking into his heart. Then he would ask me about my devotional life and my study time. As Moses’ listeners encourage him to go near and hear all that the Lord our God says, in a like manner, my father sought to stimulate me to do the same. The joy of being drawn near to hear all God says enables us to confidently speak His Word to those we serve.

By the way, I was privileged to be my parents pastor for nearly 17 years. Usually on Saturdays my mom would call me and ask for an ‘insider’s preview’ of Sunday’s message. I’d say, “Sin and grace, mom. Sin and grace.” I can still hear her sigh, “Oh, Michael.”

Praying for you.




A Good Word