A Good Word

“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad.” Proverbs‬ ‭12‬:‭25‬

It’s impossible not to worry… telling me not to worry only makes me worry about not being able to stop worrying! Yikes.

Anxiety does take a toll on all of us. You become heavy hearted. Thinking often increases my anxiety… it seems the more I think about a worry, the worry grows larger. Talking about my worries doesn’t do me any favors either… I worry I’ll drive even my friends away. What should I do?

What has helped me is to listen. Listen to God’s Word. Listen to the caring encouragement of friends. Listen to that still small, assuring voice of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Allowing these ‘good words’ to wrap you in their truth is God’s way of calming your anxious thoughts.

By the way, if you’re having a somewhat ‘worry free day’, share a ‘good word’ with some anxious soul… there’s probably one nearer than you think.

Praying for you.


Hearing God

