
“When Jesus had finished giving instructions to His twelve disciples, He departed from there to teach and preach in their cities.” Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬

In order to have an effective ministry, receiving instruction is important. And who you receive it from is even more vital. Really can’t get any better than the disciples received… right from the Good Shepherd’s heart.

Until his passing, my ministry journey was blessed by my father’s regular, heartfelt counsel. A phrase he would often repeat was this, “If you want your flock to be teachable, you need to have an ongoing, teachable spirit.” I’ve shared the other part of his counsel before… “No one likes to listen to a know-it-all!” His advise was ‘spot on’.

Whether it’s from a wise, godly mentor or a Biblically based class or book, all of us need to receive ongoing, sound instruction. Flipping back to Matthew 10 and reviewing Jesus’ words to His disciples can provide one of those wise, teachable moments.

Praying for you!


A Good Word

