Heartfelt Questions

“He (Jesus) said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Matt.16‬:‭15‬

Why can our general practice physician ask my wife all kinds of questions like, “Have you gained weight since your last visit?”, and not get any dirty looks? In fact, when we come back from our yearly physical, she says, “Isn’t it great that he is so thorough. He really cares about our health.” I have to agree… even when he yearly tells me to cut back on my food intake!

As ministry leaders we have an eternal reason to know the Spiritual well-being of those under our care. In fact, the Word says the following to those under our charge… “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account… ” Hebrews 13‬:‭17‬a.

One of the most important lessons my father taught me was the spiritual art of asking questions. He pointed me to Jesus’ practice. Just like our family physician’s personal and thorough care, I’ve found those under my care have, even in uncomfortable situations, welcomed my inquiries. As servants of God, we don’t want to do a disservice by failing to ‘keep watch’ over their soul.

In the same way my doctor couples his medical knowledge with sincere personal care for my health’s sake, it is my/our duty and privilege to couple the faithful proclamation of Biblical truth with loving personal soul-care.


Touched With Immortality


The Importance of One