The Importance of One

“What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?” Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭4‬

When I was beginning my ministry, one of the questions my dad asked was this, “Who are you spending your time with?” After which, he reminded me to be faithful in nurturing the 99 in the Word of God, but like the Good Shepherd diligently seek after the lost - build relationships with them. It takes an intentional effort of time and love!

I admit, it was easier to spend time in fellowship with the serving saints. And to a degree, it was necessary. But the clear call of the Good Shepherd to leave the 99 safely in the pasture and go after the lost was vital to heed.

Where can those lost sheep be found…. amongst the wandering souls in your community, in your neighborhood, in the families of non-attending members, mixed in amongst  the saints in your sanctuary, and maybe hiding right in your own family, like I was. Wherever they are, we must  faithfully go until we find them. Their value is priceless… the priceless blood of our Savior.

Praying for you. 


Heartfelt Questions


Praise God! It’s Going to Get Worse!