In Rhythm With Jesus
”Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.“ 1 Peter 1:22-23
I believe Peter’s admonishion in verse 22, reflects his personal, ministry-changing, encounter with the resurrected Jesus (John 21)… “Peter, do you love Me?… tend… shepherd My sheep.”
Shepherding and tending for souls is all about CARING. It’s a heart issue… obedient, purified, sincere, fervent. First and foremost, a heart in love with the Creator of EVERY SOUL. A heart in sync with the heartbeat of God’s Word. A pulse that throbs for the Family of God!
As those, who have been loved beyond measure, may the heartbeat of our love for Christ and souls, become the rhythmic heartbeat of all those we serve. Praying for us!