My Son, My Son
“The king covered his face and cried out with a loud voice, “O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son!” 2 Sam.19:4
When my folks called out my name, the tone gave me, and everyone who heard it, a pretty good idea of their mood. The hustle-up dinner call, the you’re-in-trouble call, the where-are-you call, the we-need-help call, the sad-disappointed call; each ‘call’ had its own tone.
As David calls out Absalom’s name, the mourning of his soul is evident. A wayward, self consumed, lost son had died in his sin. How tragic. I know first hand how Satan loves to attack the families, especially the children, of ministry leaders. Thankfully, my folks called out to God in prayer on my behalf. In my waywardness, the Gospel call reached my hears, brought me to my senses, and transformed my heart!
As ministry leaders, the eternal wellbeing of our children’s souls is on our hearts. Whether they be young children or adults keep ‘calling-out’, first to God and then to them. Instead of tragedy, may the triumph of Christ’s saving and sanctifying Gospel-call embrace their lives. Praying for you and yours!
I’m sending this early again… my step-daughter Brittany passed away a few minutes ago. Please pray for God to be glorified and the family comforted as we plan her funeral service. In Christ’s, Who is the Resurrection.