
“I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my imprisonment. Grace be with you.” Colossians‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬

When I entered the ministry, I told my father I felt so inadequate. He said, “That’s good.” I was kinda hoping he would say, “Michael, you are gifted. God will use the gifts He has given you.” Thankfully, he spoke Truth. He wanted me to realize my utter dependence on Christ and His grace.

As I read Paul’s words, written with his own hand (large letters probably from His Damascus Road encounter with the Risen Christ), I hear a ‘greeting of need’. Remember my imprisonment… remember me… remember my need… remember I need you, Colossians.

Then he remembers to help them. “Grace be with you”… I’m remembering your need… remembering your need of God’s grace. His words declare… ‘We Are Stronger Together’!

Dad’s words were just what I needed then and now… “Michael, depend fully on Jesus, His grace, and those He raises up to remember you!” By the way, as you read this, I need each one of you to remember me, as I do you.



